Tuesday, December 10, 2013


There are so many needs in the world.
Orphans, oppressed, enslaved, sick, hungry, imprisoned, persecuted.
I get overwhelmed thinking about how much needs to be done, and how little I can do.
So I cry, pray, and wonder what to do. I ask God to show me who to help. I listen, expecting some dramatic calling.

But His answer isn't "go to Africa" or hold some huge awareness rally.

"Abide in Me."

What? That's it?

"Abide in Me, and you will bear much fruit, and My Father will be glorified."

Abide. Live in. Dwell. Stay.

So, you just want me to stay here with You? But what about all those needs? This world needs to be saved, Jesus!

"I already did that."

Oh, yeah, He did, didn't He?

The truth is, He doesn't need me to save the world for Him. He did that already. What He wants is for me to stay with Him. To choose the good part of loving Him first. Only then will He be able to pour out His love to those around me through my life.

God may never call me to something big and important (in my eyes). He doesn't have to. He has His Church all around the world to do His work. He does want me to be faithful to abide in Him and do the work He has prepared for me to do. Here. To love Him. And to share His love with those around me.

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love."
John 15:4-5 and 8-9

Monday, December 2, 2013

Give Thanks x 7

This November I was challenged by KBR Magazine to write down 7 things to be thankful for each day of the month. What a blessing it has been! Some days, I'll admit, were much easier than others, but I wanted to share my list here:

1) The Lord is holy (Ps. 97:12)
2) Rain
3) Colorful fall leaves
4) Hats
5) Coffee
6) Fridays
7) Phones

8) That God knows everything
9) The gift of friendship
10) Flowers
11) The color red!
12) Sunshine
13) Saturdays
14) Life

15) That God is good
16) Church
17) an extra hour of sleep
18) Piano lessons I took as a child
19) Patience
20) Sundays
21) Hugs

22) God cares for me
23) Tea
24) Toast
25) Hot showers
26) Lunch with Aunt Robin
27) Mondays (yes, really!)
28) Hangout time with Anna

29) Jesus is always the same
30) blueberry muffins
31) Spotify
32) hoodies
33) clean socks
34) toilet paper
35) Good News Club

36) that God hears my prayers
37) my prayer partner, Grace
38) clean clothes
39) suitcases
40) finger nails
41) facial tissue
42) Wednesdays

43) that God is everywhere
44) alarm clocks
45) airplanes
46) scarves
47) music
48) pictures
49) Thursdays

50) God is kind
51) pocket sized Bibles
52) buses with AC
53) a good bus driver
54) the ocean
55) blankets
56) sleep

57) that God's timing is perfect
58) window seats
59) drinking water
60) pita bread
61) cameras
62) plug adapters
63) today is not the end of the world

64) Jesus is I AM
65) freedom of worship
66) potato chips
67) rocks
68) dirt
69) my messenger bag
70) light

71) God is faithful
72) olive trees
73) pita bread
74) branches
75) shoes
76) boats
77) sunsets

78) Jesus is High Priest
79) bananas
80) Tuesdays are twice good
81) whatever those chocolate filled, peanut butter flavored, Cheeto-like snack things were called
82) that *I don't* play candy crush
83) tents
84) stars

85) Jesus is my Prince of Peace
86) wildernesses
87) Jeeps
88) maxi skirts
89) fans
90) shade
91) salt

Thursday, day 14:
92) God keeps His promises
93) the nation of Israel is proof He does
94) Seeing the view from the old City of David
95) Singing Christmas carols on the hill overlooking Bethlehem
96) Candlelight
97) Tunnels
98) Pillars

Friday, day 15:
99) Quiet time
100) Walking through the streets of Jerusalem
101) Pink and purple flower bushes
102) The helpful man who gave us directions at a coffee shop
103) Shopping for Christmas gifts
104) Finding our tour group
105) Worshipping on the steps to the Temple Mount

Saturday, day 16:
106) Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
107) Jesus is praying for us
108) Jesus is the Lamb of God
109) Jesus obeyed the Father's will
110) Jesus died for my sin
111) Jesus rested when His work was finished
112) Jesus rose from the dead!!!
113) Jesus is mine and I am His

Sunday, day 17:
114) To be going home!
115) For new friends, B, L, I and Y, to name a few
116) Miracles still happen
117) Helpful people who work for the airlines
118) contact lenses
119) eye glasses
120) American food

Monday, day 18:
121) being home
122) truth is true no matter how I feel
123) full moons
124) pictures
125) electrical outlets 
126) snail mail
127) finished to-do lists

Tuesday, day 19:
128) peanut butter
129) window cleaner
130) my cleaning apron
131) a full tank of gas
132) chicken pot pie
133) laughter
134) my bed

Wednesday, day 20:
135) answered prayer
136) thunder storms
137) the Comforter
138) a good iron
139) raw sugar
140) my toothbrush
141) safety

Thursday, day 21:
142) a new day
143) bacon
144) warm coats
145) paper
146) stamps
147) tape
148) scissors

Friday, day 22:
149) mornings
150) icicles
151) dish gloves
152) mops
153) dancing
154) a garage
155) evenings

156) my own room
157) hair straighteners
158) Christian music that speaks truth to my soul
159) pumpkin pie for breakfast
160) little black dresses
161) weddings
162) movie nights with friends

163) Christ died for me, that I can die to sin
164) grace for the moment
165) my thick wool sweater
166) orchestra concerts
167) Novembers
169) sunsets
169) chili

170) jazz
171) birds
172) Hannah
173) extroverts
174) chocolate pumpkin bread
175) dishes
176) lotion

177) my Bible!
178) journals
179) mechanical pencils
180) steamed milk
181) make-up
182) books
183) cheese

184) beauty
185) laundry day
186) washing machines
187) a clean house
188) Hanukkah
189) doughnuts
190) guitars

I'm thankful for all my friends and family, but I wouldn't be who I am without...
191) Jesus
192) Dad
193) Mom
194) Caleb
195) Cory
196) Mary-Kate
197) Deana

198) Thanksgiving leftovers
199) Christmas lights
200) Christmas trees
201) pinecones
202) pizza
203) icicles
204) kiddos

205) sparkles
206) sleigh bells
207) snow
208) cinnamon
209) nutmeg
210) ginger
211) vanilla
212) butter!!!
213) candy canes
214) hot chocolate
215) marshmallows
216) Christmas carols
217) holly
218) popcorn
219) gum
220) grocery stores
221) chocolate muffins
222) birthdays
223) orange juice
224) hugs from mom when you're feeling down
  "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
~1 Thess. 5:18

Monday, October 14, 2013

He's Got This

I turn 25 in less than two weeks.

That means I will have lived on this earth for a quarter of a century.

There is no getting around that fact.

Another fact that will not go away, is that I will never be a child again.

It is time to embrace this whole "adulthood" thing.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." ~ I Corinthians 13:11

So I will put away childish things because I'm a big girl and "I've got this," right?
After all, I can cook, drive, and take care of things on my own, thank you very much!

Or perhaps ^that^ is a childish attitude I must put away.

Because, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights," (James 1:17a)

And Jesus said: "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."  (John 15:5)

And "he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5b)

I have nothing my Father has not given me, and can do nothing His Son does not give me grace to do.

My Father has taken good care of me all my life. There is no reason He would stop now!

So I won't worry about the next 25 years, because after all- He's got this.

"Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:"
 ~Psalm 146:5~

Monday, May 6, 2013


Do I do what I do because I am a Christian?
Or am I a Christian who happens to do what I do?

Is there a difference?
Is it okay to be either, or both?

Am I doing my own thing asking God to bless it?
Or am I asking God to show me what He has blessed me to do?

My way or His will?
That is the question.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fresh Gleanings

This morning I opened my Bible to see what was next in my reading schedule. My eyes lighted on the book of "Ruth". Only a month ago I was teaching this story for the Valentine Party at Good News Club. "Lord, I just studied this book. Please show me something new about Yourself in here today," was my quick prayer. He seemed to remind me that the character "Boaz" was a reflection of Himself, so I decided to pay extra attention to Boaz's speaking lines.

Then, there it was. So fresh! So applicable! So amazing!

He spoke to me.

"Then said Boaz unto Ruth,
Hearest thou not,
my daughter?
Go not to glean in another field,
neither go from hence,
but abide here fast by my maidens:
Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap,
and go thou after them:
have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee?
and when thou art athirst, go unto the vessels,
and drink of that which the young men have drawn."
~Ruth 2:8-9

Each line had a special meaning to me. A revelation of His heart for me, and instruction on what to do where He has me right now.

So, since I'm a big fan of bullet points and summarizing, I translated this passage into application:

~He bids me listen
~He calls me His daughter
~He asks me not to leave
~He encourages fellowship with like-minded maidens
~He wants me to look at the harvest
~He tells me to go to the harvest
~He promises to protect me
~He provides refreshment
~He instructs me to benefit from what other men have "drawn" from His well

I pray this was a blessing to you. It certainly was an encouragement to me. Yet another reminder to let His Spirit speak through His Word each new day ~ even when it's an old, familiar passage.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Options, Options

Options, Options

One of the challenges of my generation is having too many options. From coffee to cars, there are endless choices to be made. Never have we had so many opportunities to educate ourselves. There is virtually no limit to the information at our fingertips.
Not only is knowledge so readily available, there have never been so many vocational options as this generation has had afforded to them. We don't just have the limited choices of farmer, doctor, and banker. There are a million and one jobs to be done- from filmmaking to car repair; from owning your own business to working at a franchise. The work is out there waiting for us.
Then, there are relationships. These days, contacting people via electronic devices and social media is even easier than snapping your fingers. If you need to get information to someone, there is some way to do so. This makes for larger spheres of acquaintance, and therefore even more opportunities for relationships.

And yet, in the midst of all this access to knowledge, we are not a very wise generation, and some of us are downright ignorant. Who cares about current events, when a new season of our favorite tv show has just been released?
I believe this lack of knowledge also contributes to why we have a hard time getting and keeping jobs. We want easy work and big pay. What is the best job for me? Not, what talents do I have that can I can use to help others?
We may have the most “friends” on social media, but how many deep relationships do we keep up with? We may know the latest quippy quote our favorite band just tweeted, but do we know the cares of those we are closest to?

There are so many options out there, but we want to choose the best one. How can we commit to one thing for life, if there is a chance that something better might come along? In the mean time, what's wrong with just having fun? I'm not saying we shouldn't enjoy life. I am saying we are not children forever. At some point we must grow up and do something.
It is time for us to use wisdom, work hard and care about others. That's what grown-ups do. They make hard choices. And I believe that when we do, we will see that choosing to do something is more satisfying than waiting around for the perfect dream option to fall in our lap.

So there you have it: do something.

I write this because I am part of this generation. These challenges are my challenges.

“All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor...
 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:23,24 & 31