Monday, September 10, 2012


I haven't been adding to the internet pool of information in a while. I've been waiting for new inspiration. Sometimes waiting takes time... actually, waiting always takes time!

I'm seeing a pattern and rhythm to my life. 
Times I feel organized and on schedule, and times I feel my little world is falling apart. 
Times when I want to write a book and times when there are no words to express my thoughts. 
Times when I feel close and intimate with Jesus, and times I forget to listen to His Word.

Then there are times I realize how small my world is in light of how big His universe is. 
Like last Saturday night, looking at the stars from on top of a hay bale. There was a constellation shaped like a giant heart. It was beautiful. Even though I felt small and insignificant, I knew something big.

I am loved.

He made the stars also.