Saturday, March 2, 2013

Options, Options

Options, Options

One of the challenges of my generation is having too many options. From coffee to cars, there are endless choices to be made. Never have we had so many opportunities to educate ourselves. There is virtually no limit to the information at our fingertips.
Not only is knowledge so readily available, there have never been so many vocational options as this generation has had afforded to them. We don't just have the limited choices of farmer, doctor, and banker. There are a million and one jobs to be done- from filmmaking to car repair; from owning your own business to working at a franchise. The work is out there waiting for us.
Then, there are relationships. These days, contacting people via electronic devices and social media is even easier than snapping your fingers. If you need to get information to someone, there is some way to do so. This makes for larger spheres of acquaintance, and therefore even more opportunities for relationships.

And yet, in the midst of all this access to knowledge, we are not a very wise generation, and some of us are downright ignorant. Who cares about current events, when a new season of our favorite tv show has just been released?
I believe this lack of knowledge also contributes to why we have a hard time getting and keeping jobs. We want easy work and big pay. What is the best job for me? Not, what talents do I have that can I can use to help others?
We may have the most “friends” on social media, but how many deep relationships do we keep up with? We may know the latest quippy quote our favorite band just tweeted, but do we know the cares of those we are closest to?

There are so many options out there, but we want to choose the best one. How can we commit to one thing for life, if there is a chance that something better might come along? In the mean time, what's wrong with just having fun? I'm not saying we shouldn't enjoy life. I am saying we are not children forever. At some point we must grow up and do something.
It is time for us to use wisdom, work hard and care about others. That's what grown-ups do. They make hard choices. And I believe that when we do, we will see that choosing to do something is more satisfying than waiting around for the perfect dream option to fall in our lap.

So there you have it: do something.

I write this because I am part of this generation. These challenges are my challenges.

“All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor...
 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:23,24 & 31

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